Evil Critic - Panic! At The Disco
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Não sei o que vos faz rir, mas para mim ler más reviews de álbuns de bandas com que não simpatizo é razão mais que suficiente para passar uma tarde bem-disposta em frente ao monitor. Raios, eu sei que é uma mania minha, claro, e não faço a mínima ideia se concordo ou discordo com essas reviews, porque não ouço esses álbuns (ah pois, não querem mais nada!). Tenho mais (e melhor) com que preencher o silêncio do que Panic! At The Disco ou Fall Out Boy...
Aliás, é precisamente por essas bandas me deixarem com uma disposição perto da náusea que tenho tanto prazer em ler o que outras pessoas com o mesmo ponto de vista têm para dizer. E digo-vos já, se algumas bandas se dessem ao trabalho de ler estas coisas, havia muito menos, pensavam duas vezes antes de se aventurar no mundo da música. Para quem tiver uma costela de sádico e gostar de ler estas coisas, fica um créme de la crop. A banda visada hoje, os fantásticos choninhas que o Suplemento Y descreveu como: "putos emo armados ao pingarelho". Senhoras e senhores, os Panic! At The Disco:
Reviews a A Fever You Can't Sweat Out
"It doesn't get much worse than this, folks."
"Other then being the worst band in history and sucking more then pamala anderson, they arent that bad. EWWWWWW this guys are bad, what a fucking winer, and somebody tune that fuckers guitar"
"It's almost difficult to describe how absolutely terrible this album is. The lead singer sounds like he has a filing cabinet crammed up his nose. When I hear songs and music like this on the radio it makes me realize just how far the music scene has fallen and I can completely understand why music sales are in freefall --- here's the reason right here. PLUG YOUR EARS!"
"quite possibly the worst album of 2005
trash for 14 year olds who think the world is crumbling down into them
there are 18 yr olds who listen to this, and we all feel sorry for them"
"emo gayness at it's maximum"
"i have never seen an album with such little musical integrity in my life"
"A Fever You Can't Sweat Out is the perfect storm of the emo genre -- the requisite masturbatory self-hating lyrics, annoying riffs, indecipherable lead singer, and loud, hooky chorus, except now those former DIY dudes have been given a huge production budget and make the Darkness' ridiculous new album sound like Nick Drake. Who ever thought that an emo producer would take cues from "My Humps"? Who ever thought that the most pervasive rock band of 2006 would be the evil spawn of Morrissey and Jessica Simpson?"
"Don't do it..."
"so panic! at the disco may be the worst band that has ever existed in the history of the universe (tied for worst if you are silly enough not to consider fall out boy the same band), but they do have one redeeming feature; they are named after the smiths song "panic", whether intentionally or not (i'd go for "not" since it's insulting to think that people who make music that sounds this bad this have ever heard music that is actually good). the lyrics of this song go like this:
burn down the disco
hang the blessed dj
because the music that they constantly play
it says nothing to me about my life.
amen. burn down panic! at the disco."
Mas esta, meus amigos, foi a que mais me assustou. Quem disse isto deu 5 Estrelas ao álbum em questão...
"Awesome album, now that punk music is becoming less popular, and emo bands such as Fall Out Boy and Panic! are around they just might bring us a golden age of emo music."
Regresso na próxima semana, com outros coitados.
(Reviews retiradas do site Rate Your Music)